Responding to Our Critics

We know another blogger who likes to make comments on the information we post here and at our sister site His website is located at the following address–

Since we posted the article yesterday, he has made several comments about our comment and ourselves. We will respond now:

#1. I fear this will fall on deaf ears, but I find myself making the effort, because it’s important to produce a counterpoint to the stuff that I see out there on my web travels.

Well it is not an issue of whether or not we have deaf ears, it is an issue of if his words are correct, in line with God’s word and true. usually they are not and normally they are more of a distortion than anything concrete or constructive.

Most of the time it is his bias that influences his words and content and his ears are the ones that are deaf.

#2. David has made it abundantly clear that he is opposed to Black Lives Matter, and has in previous conversations refused point-blank to comment on what happened to George Floyd, despite the clear and total failure of justice being done in that instance

That is an example of the distortion and deaf ears that author employs. He has been told a few times that the incident is not about justice. He fails to understand that the police are enforcers of the law not mediators of justice.

Justice comes from the courts and when it hears the case against the police officers, justice should be done if it is fair, honest and not appeasing to the illegal and corrupt BLM movement or other groups.

The courts will also determine if a crime took place or not. That is the issue in that and other cases that author alludes to. The police have their duties and being just is not one of them.

#3. Instead, David prefers to make some rather vague assertions about BLM not being interested in justice.

They are not and if that author and you took the time to read the BLM website he would see that their only interest is in rebellion and toppling the government as well as making life intolerable for white families.

BLM members side with known evil and promote nothing but evil. Justice is not in their minds an done only has to look at the destruction and mayhem caused by its membership to see evidence for that statement.

We were never vague.

#4. Colston did do a lot of work for local hospitals and schools in Bristol, and also did some charity work in London. He made his fortune upon the back of the slave trade,

We saw the same information but that information is vague as it does not say how that man made his money. The company transported the slaves, it may not have been him. Before anyone tears down statues, they should investigate further and get the truth and look at it honestly instead of leaping to conclusions and becoming all upset at reading the words slave trade.

The protestors and others who take this destruction of all history side ned to be fair as well but they leap to conclusions and apply the worst just so they can feel good about themselves and their iffy contribution to civilization.

#5. David mentions that the statue was put up for reasons other than his involvement with the slave trade. So what.

It is an important point to consider and that author and the people he sides with should consider the fact that no one is going to be perfect. If perfection is the standard, then that author should resign and stop posting. He fails miserably.

He goes on to state the obvious which we already covered in yesterday’s post.

#6. There are many unpalatable truths about many historical figures, truths that can and should force us to re-evaluate what we know and accept.

The narrow lens that author, and the side he supports, use would disqualify just about everyone honored throughout history. It also ignores the work of the people who originally erected those statues and honors.

Their judgmental ways are coming from a very narrow mind as they think they are morally superior to those they want removed from public places. They also think they are greater than God which exposes their unqualified nature to stand in judgment of anyone.

Jesus taught everyone to forgive, to return good for evil and so on, yet we see none of that coming from BLM, democrats, liberals and other leftist groups fueling these protests. what we see is hatred, sin, evil and other negatives that harm and destroy societies.

Why should anyone listen to them when they have nothing better to offer the world?

#7. This is why some statues have come under attack – they are symbols, symbols of a regime that was brutal.

We would disagree with that idea. They are honors for men who excelled above their peers and made contributions that were far better than the contributions made by the modern protestors who are tearing these statues down.

Also, those statues remind us of how flawed every human is and that we should obey Jesus when he said vengeance is mine, love your neighbor, do not judge others and many more statements that group does not like.

Not even Floyd and not one of the protesters, etc., are/were perfect. They do not have a right to stand in judgment of men who died 100 to 300 years ago. They are not people exhibiting high moral character and integrity.

#8. Many thousands of people died in the slave trade, making people like Colston wealthy in the process. His charity work is good, but it doesn’t mean it should erase the truth.

Yes they did and many men stood up to the slave trade and got it stopped. We do not see that author or those protesters, BLM or democrats standing up to sex slave traders, modern pirates, modern slave traders or even supporting the police who have to enforce the law to keep those groups as safe as their conservative opposites.

They look to change the law in their favor, get people fired from their employment hindering their ability to feed their families and other nefarious acts. That point is moot until all of them change and become as Jesus was and is and end sin in their own lives.

#9. Finally, when David speaks of the protesters not being interested in justice, I would point out the protests exist because of an injustice that he won’t condemn.

Again that author distorts the issue. The moment of justice has not arrived yet and everyone has to wait for the courts ruling before anyone can comment on whether justice was served or not.

Justice also works both ways as the policemen on trial deserve justice, not a predetermined result that is in so many minds like that author, BLM, democrats and protestors, etc. He is wrong as justice is not being demanded by him or those groups.

Revenge is more like it and they will get their revenge even though it is harming innocent people and destroying property they do not own. There is no justice in those protests or those movements and groups.

**it remains to be seen if that author has an open enough mind to be honest with himself and allow God to roll back the coverings over his eyes and see the truth.

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