The Bible in Ancient Languages

Since we wrote the earlier post, the Bible in Chinese Characters, we did a little searching today to see if anything specific came up in other ancient languages. It is not easy to search for information on this topic as search engine algorithms mess up the results page every time.

But we were successful in finding some reference to biblical people in two of the oldest languages in the world today, Egyptian and Sanskrit. We will start with Sanskrit because it is the perfect example of what we have said in many other articles about the flood and creation stories found around the globe.

The writers of the following quote show how far they left the truth and incorporated their own beliefs in with the biblical material:

At that time the Kali purusha prayed to Lord Narayana along with his wife. After sometime the Lord apperared to him and said, “This age will be a good time for you. I will fulfil your
desire having various kinds of forms.

There is a couple named Adama and his wifeHavyavati. They are born from Vishnu-kardama and will increase the generations of mlecchas. Saying this, the Lord disappeared. Having great joy the Kali purusha went to Nilacha

Vyasa said: “Now you hear the future story narrated by Suta Goswami. This is the full story of of Kali-yuga, hearing this you will become satisfied.”

In the eastern side of Pradan city where there is a a big God-given forest, which is 16 square yojanas in size. The man named Adama was staying there under a Papa-Vriksha
or a sinful tree and was eager to see his wife Havyavati.

The Kali purusha quickly came there assuming the form of a serpent. He cheated them and they disobeyed Lord Vishnu.
The husband ate the forbidden fruit of the sinful tree.

They lived by eating air with the leaves called udumbara. After they had sons and all of them became mlecchas. Adama’s
duration of life was nine-hundred and thirty years.

He offered oblations with fruits and went to heaven with his wife. His son was named Sveta-nama, and he lived nine-hundred and twelve years. Sveta-nama’s son was Anuta, who rulled one-hundred years less than his father.

His son Kinasa rulled as much as his grandfather. His son Malahalla ruled eight-hundred ninety five years. His son Virada rulled 160 years.

His son Hamuka was devoted to Lord Vishnu, and offering oblations of fruits he achieved salvation. He ruled 365 years and went to heaven with the same body being engaged in mleccha-dharma…. (source)

If you read this passage carefully and honestly, you will see a lot of similarities between it and the first chapters of Genesis. But that is not all of the biblical references this language contains:

Once the Lord appeared in his dream and said: ―My dear Nyuha, please listen, there will be devastation on the seventh day. Therefore, you have to be very quick that you make a
big boat and ride in it.

O chief of the devotees, you will be celebrated as a great king‖. Then he made a strong boat which was 300 feet long, 50 feet wide and 30 feet high. (In the Bible the Ark is described as, “Its length was 300 cubits, its width was 50 cubits, it had three stories and its height was 30 cubits.”)

It was beautiful and all the living entities could take shelter in it. He then himself rode in it, engaged in meditating on Lord Vishnu. Lord Indra called the devastating cloud named Sambartaka and poured heavy rain continuously for 40 days.

The whole earth, Bharat-varsa, had merged in the water and
four oceans came up together.(Ibid)

The question that needs to be answered is where did the ancient writers/inventors of Sanskrit get this information if the Bible is not true? They certainly did not copy off the Babylonians or some other ancient nation for the same question would apply to them.

Where did any ancient society get this information if the Bible was written in the 5th to 7th centuries BC or by the elites trying to control their people? It would make no sense for the people of then India to even include this information if the Bible is not true.

There is no purpose for these remarks for if the Bible is not true, then there was no global flood to record. But this isn’t the only ancient language that has this same type of reference.

Old Egyptian records have references to 8 deities that resemble Noah and his family. These deities are called the Ogdoad and the records come from roughly the 3rd millennia BC.

The term “Ogdoad” means “the Eightfold.” These were eight primordial Egyptian deities, consisting of four husband-wife partners. References to these eight beings go back into ancient Egypt’s earliest history—the third millennium b.c.e., Old Kingdom period. Their cult of worship was particularly centered at a site called Hermopolis. However, this later-named site (after the Greek god Hermes—a variant of the Egyptian god Thoth) was originally known as Khemenu, “City of the Eight.”…

… Of course, the fact that they are eight—made up of four male-female partners—raises immediate interest, in relation to the biblical account of the eight biblical progenitors of the human race, who survived the Great Flood.

But these parallels become even more uncanny when considering the names and the setting. The names of the female deities (right-hand column, below) simply correspond as a feminine form of the male (left-hand column). But note especially the name of the leading male deity (top left)….

…The name Nu, of course, immediately brings to mind the biblical Noah, father of Shem, Ham and Japheth, who brought each of their wives aboard the ark. But the similarities go further than just in the sound of his name.

You might have noticed the “wave” hieroglyphs within the names of Nu and his wife, Nut. Their names represent a watery abyss, or dually, the waters of the sky and oceans, from which ancient Egyptian tradition believed all to have been created. “The name of this god has been compared with the Coptic word noyn ‘abyss,’ ‘deep,’ and the like, and it is possible that it may have some connection with it … [as] in the passage, ‘I raised them up from out of the watery mass (nu),’” Budge wrote. “Of Nut, the female counterpart of Nu, little need be said here, except that she was regarded as the primeval mother …” (ibid). (source)

Again, the questions we asked of the writers of Sanskrit applies here as well. If the Bible is not true, then why would very ancient Egyptian records include biblical content and figures in some format?

“From the biblical text, Egypt should be understood as a post-Babel civilization (Genesis 11:1-9),” wrote Cox. “If Noah, his family and the Flood are recorded in secular history, we should expect to see evidence in Egypt’s earliest writings.” He argues that references to “the Eightfold” emerging during Egypt’s late third millennium b.c.e., Old Kingdom period provide this evidence. (Ibid)

In both cases charges of forgery cannot be laid, as it is with a few passages of Josephus. Christianity came late to these nations. The Egyptians would have been made aware of the history of the world found in the OT because of Joseph and his family.

However, there would be no reason for Joseph and his family or any other free Israelite at that time to insert this information into ancient Egyptian records. They may not have had access to them and what purpose would it serve if the Hebrews wrote about the Ogdoad in this format?

It would make more sense to use the real story and not make the 8 people gods. After, the Hebrews became slaves they probably did not have access to those ancient records and again, it woul dmake no sense for them to change the story and create gods for the Egyptians to learn about.

What supports our point is that the ancient Chines have in their records, the 8 Immortals:

China’s own famous “Eight Immortals,” themselves symbols of “longevity,” were famous for crossing the sea (and even popularly associated with a tale of drunkenness—compare with Genesis 9:20-24). And the very Chinese word for “ship” is a character made up of radicals meaning “eight-person-boat.”(Ibid)

As far as we know, the 3rd millennium people who comprised the then Egyptians never made it to Asia or vice versa. Thus copying the records and tweaking the records is out of the question as well.

The evidence supporting the biblical record is there if one is willing to see it and honestly evaluate it.

On a side note, as we were doing this research, we came across some interesting articles. The first one we will link to is first because we were looking to see if there was any mention of Adam, Eve, Noah, his family, the Garden of Eden, and so on in Basque.

So far, we have found no record, but we did find a debate about which language is older- Hebrew or Basque. We will let you read the two articles on this debate for yourselves, just click here and here.

The Hebrew Bible attributes the origin of language per se to humans, with Adam being asked to name the creatures that God had created. Traditional Jewish exegesis
such as Midrash Bereshit (Genesis) Rabbah says that Adam spoke Hebrew because the names he gives Eve: isha “woman” (Genesis 2:23) and Chava (Genesis 3:20), only make sense in Hebrew.(From the first link)

The problem we find with this quote is that they are wrong that the first language was created by humans. God placed language inside of both Adam and Eve when he created them. All language has their ultimate origin in divine creation.

While researchers are still looking for the first language, that search may be in vain. Number one, we do not know if God preserved the pre-flood language when he changed it at Babel.

Two, since the different languages were divinely created, there is not one mother tongue that spawned them all. It is said that there were 72 different languages created at Babel, but there is no way to verify that or know how many languages God created at that time.

To be honest, there is no way to trace language back to the original, especially since they have no natural heritage. No one really knows which language came first. They can only guess at the progression.

A third interesting story we came across was reported 10 years ago. The article is about a man found in a cemetery along with 48 other human remains. Only one was in good enough shape to examine.

According to a news report in Past Horizons, the skeleton was originally found by British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley around 1929/1930 during a joint Penn Museum/British Museum excavation of the ancient city of Ur, near modern-day Nasiriyah in Iraq.

The skeleton was located at an incredible depth of 50 feet, in a deep silt layer beneath the city’s 4,500-year-old royal cemetery. Testing revealed that the layer was 2,000 years older than the cemetery, dating back to the Ubaid period (c. 5,500 to 4,000 BC).

A total of 48 human remains were found in the layer, but ‘Noah’ was the only skeleton in good enough condition to be removed. In fact, Noah is the only complete skeleton ever recovered from this region and era. (source)

Of course, that one man’s remains is not of Noah but people get a kick out of labeling items they discover in a way that will help them remember what they are investigating.

Plus, it is a bad label as Noah was not buried in the pre-flood world geography. He was buried in the post-flood geography and not in Mesopotamia. With 5 tombs credited to Noah, it is highly unlikely we will ever know where he was buried.

We will leave you with this quote:

Many scoff at the biblical account of a Great Flood. Yet it has been preserved in varying forms by numerous civilizations around the globe. Dismissal out of hand would be naïve. What must have happened to trigger the recording of such stories? (source)

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