It Is Okay To Question Science

What got us started on this topic was an article about the Kelce brothers and an article about one of their comments. They stated that ‘about 10 to 15  football players in every locker room believe the earth is flat’. While we do not agree with the flat earth conspiracy theories, we do like theContinue reading “It Is Okay To Question Science”

Nothing is New+

The trouble with skeletons is being able to date them correctly. Archaeological dating has become one of our pet peeves as there are too many assumptions involved. For example, this article’s content: Ancient skeletons unearthed in France reveal Mafia-style killings More than 5,500 years ago, two women were tied up and probably buried alive inContinue reading “Nothing is New+”

Just because

When we were teachers in South Korea, we started a Just Because Day at our first Hagwon. This day was to honor our students Just because they were our students. We carried that Day throughout our teaching career and held it once a month while we were in hagwons. When we went to public schools,Continue reading “Just because”

Black Hole Discovery

While astronomy is not our specialty, we do find the study of the universe and its contents interesting. The article- Scientists find black hole powering a molecular gas fountain in the ancient universe– talks about something the scientists believe they have found in our universe. Astronomers have discovered a quasar, powered by a supermassive blackContinue reading “Black Hole Discovery”

Book Synopsis 1

We are placing this information here in an easy-to-copy or share format. We humbly ask for help in getting the word out about our books. Thank you in advance Great Christian Books  These books are a must-read for all believers, if they are serious about strengthening and developing their Christian faith  #1. Archaeology: What YouContinue reading “Book Synopsis 1”

Which Archaeological Discovery…

…will it take to accept the past as it truly was or accept the Bible as historical? Archaeology has been around in one form or another for over 300 years. There were treasure hunters, there were archaeologists, and there were amateurs making discoveries throughout history. However, even though some of the finds have been grandContinue reading “Which Archaeological Discovery…”

In Defense of Bob Cornuke+

In this post, Dr. Cornuke serves only as an example of what takes place in debates and discussions where the two parties disagree with each other. It doesn’t always take place but it happens often enough for it to be a major problem. We do not like personal attacks against someone’s educational status, institution, orContinue reading “In Defense of Bob Cornuke+”

An Archaeological Challenge

This challenge applies to both archaeology and anthropology as it affects the evidence as well as getting to the truth. Most likely it cannot be avoided as personal opinions can upset or offend other professionals resulting in negative attitudes in the research fields. This challenge goes beyond the research questions used and the failure toContinue reading “An Archaeological Challenge”

The Assumptions You Start With

Will determine the conclusions you come to. These words including the title are a mild paraphrase from the book Dismantling the Big Bang and are found on pg. 16 of that work. Those words are true and apply to both archaeology and anthropology. We find many examples of the application of those words in theContinue reading “The Assumptions You Start With”

Our Problem With the Dating Systems

Of course, we are referring to the many dating systems employed by archaeologists, anthropologists, and other scientists. We have never been a great fan of these systems as there was something always wrong with them. The book we are using at this time, The Practical Archaeologist was published in 1986 and we have studied theseContinue reading “Our Problem With the Dating Systems”

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