What is Happening

There are different discoveries and events taking place. we have not weighed in on the Mexican mummy issue and do not expect to anytime in the near future. But we do have a discovery from Mexico. In fact, we will start with that discovery as it is about an archaeological phenomenon.

#1. Mexican archaeologists discover Mayan ball game scoreboard

The circular piece, measuring just over 32 centimeters (12.6 inches) in diameter and weighing 40 kilos (88 lb), displays hieroglyphic writing surrounding two players standing next to a ball, according to a statement from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH).

The stone, believed to be a scoreboard, dates from between 800 AD and 900 AD.

The ball game was a traditional practice of Mesoamerican peoples and is believed to have had ritual undertones.

The archaeological phenomenon we are talking about is the ability of archaeologists to create something out of nothing. Or at least some ambiguous artifacts.

It is not just about this so-called scoreboard but about the whole Mayan or Aztec or Incan game the modern archaeologists claim the ancient South Americans invented and played.

This fabrication concerning this ‘scoreboard’ is eisegesis at its greatest height. With no ancient contemporary rules to guide them, no ancient manuscripts telling anyone about this game, and with only a stadium to go by, modern archaeologists have created a complete possible professional sport that they claim, with no proof, had or may have had ritual implications.

For all these archaeologists know, that 80-pound rock could have been inscribed at any time. Plus, the sports figures, if they truly are that, may only be decorations like a calendar picture.

It is a giant leap to a conclusion to even consider this a scoreboard especially when there are no markers to help it keep score. Then the description of the two characters does not seem to have anything to do with sports let alone this ‘game’:

One of the characters etched into the stone wears a feathered headdress and a sash that appears to show a flower, believed to be a water lily. He is depicted as talking or breathing. His opponent wears a “snake turban,” which is seen on many characters in Chichén Itzá. (source)

It takes a wild imagination to create these kinds of stories out of thin air and with no possibility of verification.

#2. James Webb Space Telescope studies wreckage of titanic cosmic explosion

A new image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) shows in stunning detail the wreckage of a cataclysmic supernova explosion.

The supernova remnant, known as Cassiopeia A (Cas A), formed about 340 years ago from our perspective here on Earth. This makes the 10-light-year-wide Cas A one of the youngest clouds of supernova wreckage we know of. With images like this, scientists can perform “cosmic forensics” to better understand what happens when stars die.

Material expelled by supernovas such as this goes on to disperse throughout galaxies and becomes the building blocks for the next generation of stars and planets. Around 4.6 billion years ago, such a process helped forge the sun and the planets of our own solar system and paved the way for living things, supplying elements like the calcium in our bones and the iron in our blood.

Speaking of reading into an image. With no hope of verifying their claim, it is amazing that scientists can say these things with a straight face. But we will let you decide if their claim is true or not, we do not think so.

#3. ‘Hubble trouble’ could deepen with new measurement of the universe’s expansion

The most accurate observation to date of distant stars that periodically change in brightness may spark a rethink of the rate at which the universe expands — perhaps by settling a longstanding problem in cosmology, or deepening it.

The observation confirms a disparity that exists between the two major methods of measuring how fast the universe is expanding, conforming with one but not the other, a new study reports.

Researchers with the Stellar Standard Candles and Distances group used data collected by Europe’s Gaia spacecraft to study Cepheid variable stars, which pulsate in a regular manner, providing a way of accurately measuring cosmic distances. The Cepheid star measurement technique expands on other methods, such as one that relies on observations of Type 1a supernovas.

The light output of supernovas, mammoth explosions that occur at the end of big stars’ lives, is so uniform they are referred to as “standard candles” and form an important part of what astronomers call the “cosmic distance ladder.” The Cepheid star distance measurement method adds another “rung” to that metaphorical ladder, and this new research has strengthened that rung.

“We developed a method that searched for Cepheids belonging to star clusters made up of several hundreds of stars by testing whether stars are moving together through the Milky Way,” study co-author Richard Anderson, a physicist at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, said in a statement.

“Thanks to this trick, we could take advantage of the best knowledge of Gaia’s parallax measurements while benefiting from the gain in precision provided by the many cluster member stars,” Anderson said. “This has allowed us to push the accuracy of Gaia parallaxes to their limit and provides the firmest basis on which the distance ladder can be rested.”

We do not think the universe is expanding. The movement of stars, galaxies, comets, and so on is NOT an indication of expansion. It is just an indication that God gave the heavenly bodies enough room to move in order for them not to collide with the Milky Way until time is over.

To say that movement is an indication of expansion is like saying the boundaries of Denver are being pushed further out from the city center simply because the cars and people are moving away from it.

The astronomer does not have any legitimate markers or evidence that the universe is expanding. There has not been one astronomer at any time throughout history who has observed even one edge of the universe.

It is impossible to measure the universe or say it is expanding, without knowing where the boundaries started from and have observed how far they have moved outward.

To claim otherwise and to use illegitimate physical evidence is unethical and unprofessional. The evidence used by astronomers is simply made up because they do not have any way of finding any legitimate physical evidence to prove their theory.

As a side note, it is interesting to read last century’s and other centuries’ astronomers. They only decided on two choices for the size of the universe. It is either static and not moving outward, or it is expanding.

The third choice is that God made it so big we will never see the boundaries at any time no matter where we place the telescopes.

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