It Is Okay To Question Science

What got us started on this topic was an article about the Kelce brothers and an article about one of their comments. They stated that ‘about 10 to 15  football players in every locker room believe the earth is flat’.

While we do not agree with the flat earth conspiracy theories, we do like the fact that people do not blindly accept what science and scientists say. Even scientists question science which is why there are a myriad of scientific opinions about the same theory.

Christians should not go to the same extremes as the flat earth people but they should not take scientists at their word. Scientists are human and the majority of science is human-written, a fact that should compel those who reject the bible as human-written to reject science.

But they are hypocritical and what they use to dismiss biblical content, they refuse to use to reject scientific content.The Christian should know that they are free to accept or reject any scientific claim they want.

It is not always advisable as God created science to be one tool to help his creation gain knowledge. The Christian needs to be discerning as Jesus said, ye will know the truth and the truth will set you free. The truth is that science does come up with some truth.

However, science, being led by unbelievers, is full of untruths, especially about our origins, life development, and the beginning of the universe and its contents. Christians need to know the difference between truth and error especially when other people claim science to be an authority when it is not.

We have said this over and over throughout this website that science does not have the Spirit of Truth leading it thus the majority of conclusions and theories are straight from the pit of hell. 

Those same conclusions and theories may contain an element of truth but it is only there to deceive believers into leaving God and what he has revealed and get them to embrace lies. Science is being used to deceive and Christians need to become more aware of this fact so they can protect themselves and their families.

The Bible warns us about false teachers and those passages of scripture are not limited to fake preachers, prophets, and other religious leaders. Those scriptures also include scientists, lawyers, geography teachers, and everyone else who brings a different gospel than the one found in the Bible.

Do not limit ourselves to just the word gospel. False teachers include those who say God lied in Genesis 1 and 2 as well as denying other biblical content. Jesus taught creation so Genesis one and two are part of the gospels.

There are obvious things that we do not need science to tellus. One subject is that the earth is not flat. Anyone with a camera, television set, or other devices can tell the earth is round. We do not need science’s stamp of approval on these types of topics.

Science does help us explore the world around us, but what is uncovered in science is often corrupted and influenced by the beliefs or lack of beliefs held be the exploring scientists. Christians need to question science and scientists as scientists follow their own beliefs, not God’s instructions.

This applies to anthropology as well as archaeology. Even some Christians in these fields teach the wrong things. You cannot simply take a Christian’s word for it as they can be and are wrong more often than they are given credit.

They are usually wrong because one, they are misinformed, two, they are following secular rules, not God’s rules, and three, they do not like what they have found or read and pursue sinful alternatives.

Case in point, there were two articles published by Associates for Biblical Research years ago that had two glaring errors in them (one in each article). One was about the leftover wood after the flood and the other was about the amount of topsoil on the earth.

These slight errors can cause big problems for believers and unbelievers will use the errors to stop listening to believers. Christians need to know the truth and some parts of science will provide them that information.

But the ability of science to provide some elements of truth to the world does not mean that the field is infallible, an authority, or correct in other parts of its exploration, theories, and so on. Christians need to question all information coming from science to avoid being deceived and having their faith undermined.

They just have to stop questioning and rejecting once they find the truth. That is what frustrates so many unbelievers when it comes to a Christian’s belief in the bible and rejection of scientific claims.

We have the truth, especially about our origins, etc., thus we do not have to keep searching or wasting money searching for answers. We have found the truth and can build upon that information to keep our Christian faith strong.

That is one way we get peace of mind. We have the truth and now we can focus on other aspects of life and meet the challenges that come. Life, our origins, development, and the origin of the universe, etc., are not a mystery to us.

We have those answers and we do not need to waste time and valuable resources trying to find answers to issues we already have the answer to. Questioning science takes some practice as mistakes will be made.

The key to overcoming those mistakes is to acknowledge them, correct them, and then move on without fretting about them. Christians make mistakes so we should not get bent out of shape when they happen. Look for the correct information or behavior and make the changes needed.

Also, do not worry when unbelievers and unbelieving scientists get upset when you question them and show they are wrong. That is par for the course as they think the cross is foolishness and their ideas are greater than God. Unbelievers are wrong on most things, they just do not realize it as they are blinded by evil.

Thus we do not attack those who get upset but work against the evil deceiving them so that they may see the light and the truth.

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