Evidence that the Bible is True

Script #2 and the video portion can be found at this link– https://youtu.be/SNw0D4KwgM4-

Unbelievers, especially atheists, make wild claims and assertions about the Bible. What makes their criticism of the bible worse, is that these same unbelievers expect everyone to take their word for their arguments.

They do not take God at his word, yet they demand that Christians and others believe them just because they say so. There has always been one nagging question that the unbelievers and atheists refuse to answer– Where is their verifiable and credible evidence to support their claims?

These unbelievers need to present verifiable and credible physical evidence for their point of view about the Bible, just like they demand Christians to do. Yet, they never present anything real or verifiable evidence.

It is not like they have not seen or heard the evidence supporting the truthfulness and accuracy of the Bible before. When presented with the evidence many atheists and unbelievers just close their eyes and chant, ‘It did not happen’.

You cannot present evidence to those who have made up their minds and closed them to anything a Christian will present. However, we do have evidence that the Bible is true.

This remains a fact whether the unbeliever accepts it or not. One example is found in anthropology where the Bible says all humans are of one blood. Science has proven this true. Everyone from ancient history to the present has the same blood.

Another example comes from astronomy. The Bible says the universe had a beginning. The current Big Bang Theory also says that the universe had a beginning.

A third example is from biology where evolutionists claim there are no boundaries for reproduction. However, the scientific hybrid experiments have proven the Bible true by showing there are boundaries in reproduction and animals can only reproduce if they are mated within their kind.

For a fourth example, archaeology and its discoveries have provided ample evidence that the Bible is true. The Bible was the only book that talked about the ancient Hittites. That is until archaeologists found the Hittite Empire.

The Hittites have been talked about in many history and archaeological books since that 19th-century discovery. Let’s not forget about the Tel Dan Stele or the Moabite Stone which adds physical and credible evidence for King David and his descendants.

When it comes to supporting the biblical record, there is far more evidence available than unbelievers will admit. Noah’s flood has more physical evidence supporting it than any other biblical event.

Then there are the walls of ancient Jericho and the storage pots found in that city. Those walls fell exactly as the Bible described and the storage pots were full of food.

There is no escaping the evidence proving the Bible is true and accurate. One just has to be open-minded and examine this evidence honestly. The Bible is true and whether you look under the ocean, into space, in medicine, and more locations, you will find the evidence you need to see the Bible is right.

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